Welcome to John Jay Lodge no. 653
A Masonic Lodge that meets in White Plains,
New York


A Place for Mentorship and Guidance

It is often said that in the journey of life, Masons never walk alone. Freemasonry is a place where you’ll find mentors and guides who’ve walked the same path as you, and can encourage you to be the best version of yourself.


Friendships that Last a Lifetime

There’s a reason why we call each other “brother.” At John Jay Lodge, you’ll find like-minded men who offer stronger bonds of friendship that you can depend on for the rest of your life.

John Jay

Respect for Old Traditions & History

Freemasonry is one of the oldest fraternal organizations in the world. Many of its members include George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and many other notable names throughout history.

Latest News & Presentations

Ready to learn more? Read about Freemasonry and what the organization stands for. »»
