Lodge Officers for 2023-2024:
The Lodge is currently headed by the following brothers:
- Worshipful Master: W∴ Jay Werner
- Senior Warden: W∴ Brian Reklatis
- Junior Warden: W∴ Melvin Lipetz
- Treasurer: R∴W∴ James D. Glover
- Secretary: R∴W∴ Kenneth I. May
- Chaplain: W∴ Matthew Wynn
- Senior Deacon: Bro. Kevin Reverri
- Junior Deacon: Bro. Daniel Griffin
- Senior Master of Ceremony: Bro. Ylber Miranaj
- Junior Master of Ceremony: Bro. Ernst David
- Steward: Bro. Harold Jezler
- Steward: Bro. Jeffrey Steinberg
- Marshal: Bro. Douglas Hannigan
- Tiler: Bro. Fred Gettleman
- W∴ Anthony Pilla (2024)
- R∴W∴ Walter Lilling (2025)
- W∴ Jack Gingold (2026)
A Brief History of John Jay Lodge no. 653
Roots beginning to grow – Mamaro Lodge #653 F.&A.M.
After the Civil War and considerable Masonic activity, Mamaro Lodge was granted dispensation on July 1, 1867 and instituted in Richbell Hall in the Rye Neck district of Mamaroneck.
R.W. William M. Gambling was the founding Master of the lodge after previously being appointed DDGM in 1866. He remained Master from 1867 – 1872 and then again in 1875.
The Lodge met weekly in the first year to spur membership, moving to 2nd and 4th Mondays in 1871.
Mamaro on the Move
The Lodge meetings were moved to Port Chester in the Fall of 1871 on the corner of Main St. and Willett Ave due to more members being from Port Chester. This building also housed the First National Bank and was later known as “Town Hall”. This building was torn down and is currently a Wells Fargo Bank.
Due to rapid growth, the Lodge moved across the street to the Brundage Building between Willett and Adee St. in 1875. Now a Chase Bank/Q Restaurant.
At the turn of the century and raising an average of 11 members per year, the Lodge began setting aside funds for a Temple of its own.
In 1920, a plot of land was purchased at the corner of Leicester Street and Irving Ave for $3200 to construct a Temple. The cornerstone was laid on November 9, 1923 with the first Communication held on January 11, 1926.
The Temple was formally dedicated on October 22, 1929.
Membership peaked in 1932 at 493 members with many receiving Grand Lodge Honors.
The Lodge is credited with being closely tied to the history and development of the Port Chester community.
Orawaupum #1003 F.&A.M.
Orawaupum was named after an Indian Chief, who with other chiefs, deeded the land known now as The City of White Plains to a group of settlers in Rye.
Orawaupum was constituted on May 3, 1923. Its growth was so rapid that in 1931 it already had 170 members (avg 21+ per year).
The Lodge held their meetings at the White Plains Masonic Temple.
Siwanoy #1086 F.&A.M.
Siwanoy was named after an Indian Tribe whose village was located in what now is the City of New Rochelle.
Siwanoy was constituted on June 22, 1928. The core group of members were from Mount Masada #902 which was also in New Rochelle.
Both Orawaupum and Siwanoy were affected heavily by World War II and maintained a steady membership.
John Jay #653 F.&A.M. forms
Orawaupum and Siwanoy merged on January 1, 1974 to form Orawaupum-Siwanoy #1003 and operated successfully together for almost 20 years.
On April 26, 1993 Orawaupum-Siwanoy #1003 merged with Mamaro #653 to form John Jay #653.
Valiant Lodge #1113 F.&A.M.
Valiant Lodge began with 22 Masons mostly from Mamaro Lodge receiving its Charter on May 7, 1931.
The Lodge was created to meet once a month, beginning with dinner and designed to be smaller in membership limiting resident members to 100. The goal was to create a more intimate lodge among families.
The By-Laws also stated that members were to be from (at that time) Town of Rye, City of Rye and Greenwich, CT.
The members’ wives prepared dinner and in the late 70s, wives were invited to dinner.
Members and wives were highly involved in the Port Chester and Rye Community associations by establishing 2 for children and families in need of handicapped assistance.
On April 27, 1999 Valiant #1113 merged into John Jay.
Harrison Lodge # 1093 F.&A.M.
Harrison Masonry was founded in 1926 by 13 Masons from various other lodges. The Lodge was formally instituted on June 5, 1929.
The Harrison Brothers were instrumental in the establishment of Harrison Chapter #789, Order of the Eastern Star (In 1925), and a Chapter of DeMolay, Victoria Triangle #122 in 1950.
Teamwork to build a Temple
In 1953 a Masonic Guild was formed by all members of the Harrison Masonic Family with the BOD represented by the Harrison Lodge (9), the Order of Eastern Star (3), Masonic Club (1), Triangle/DeMolay (1).
The Guild purchased the “John Cabot Club” building at 49 Purdy Street Harrison in October 1957, and on April 3, 1959 the Harrison Masonic Temple was dedicated.
On April 24, 2002 Harrison #1093 merged into John Jay #653.
John Jay Lodge #653 sold the original Mamaro Temple located on Irving Ave in 2005 and currently meets at the White Plains Masonic Temple on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
John Jay’s Influences and Today
John Jay still displays its influences from the 5 lodges it is comprised of.
- The Lodge is characterized by the Valiant Lodge’s intimate, close brotherhood nature with involvement of the family, collation and community support.
- John Jay has a strong, rich history of Grand Lodge Officers, and ties to the community much like that of Mamaro.
- Much like Orawaupum’s and Siwanoy’s history with its challenges after WWII, John Jay has recently had to re-identify itself by focusing strongly on membership and ritual.
- Much like Harrison, John Jay’s brothers come from different backgrounds and associations of other Lodges, strongly tied by doing work for the greater good for Masonry and the Community.